So long, farewell! Dwayne Gretzky finished at Phoenix Concert Theatre on May 10, 2024
Dwayne Gretzky is now showing at Budweiser Stage
Dwayne Gretzky

So long, farewell! Dwayne Gretzky finished at Phoenix Concert Theatre on May 10, 2024
Dwayne Gretzky is now showing at Budweiser Stage
Why see Dwayne Gretzky?
Live on stage
With a name that inspires Candian pride, Dwayne Gretzky has made a name for themselves as one of the country's most beloved cover bands, paying tribute to the "songs we all forgot we loved" with astounding detail and massive talent.
Hailing from Toronto, the 10+ piece formed in 2011 and has put its spin on over 600 tunes from the world of classic rock and pop, from Fleetwood Mac to Fatboy Slim and beyond. Don't miss them live this year as they bring more faithfully presented classics to a stage near you in a performance that'll inspire joy, nostalgia, and more than a little bit of dancing!
Key Information
US Dollars
Customer reviews
Definitely the best cover band out there..
Glenn Sterrett
Dwayne Gretzky rocks Centre in the Square